Intimate Date Nights Nourish Your Health,

Reset Your Connection, and Fuel Your Desire.

It’s no secret in the relationship world, that setting aside dedicated time to be alone with your partner is the number one, most effective strategy to help keep your relationship feeling alive and connected.

But a successful date night is far more than chatting over dinner and watching a move, it’s stepping into an agreed upon adventure with your partner at your side as your fellow explorer.

Creating intimate dates isn’t just a nice idea for some couples once in a while; they are a mandatory practice to nurture the health and wellness of your relationship. 

As they say in the world of physical exercise, “use it, or lose it”.

These nine tips will help you create awesome date nights. They have been distilled from over a decade of working with couples. 

Usee them with your partner and I promise, your intimate dates will move from the bottom of your ‘to do’ list, to the top of your priority list. 

Why? Because the depth of connection you share with your partner impacts every part of your life and happiness.

What’s Inside?

Use these success tips I share with my private clients to create a deep intimate connection and some of the most awesome date nights you’ve ever experienced!

01     Preparation: It’s all in the planning

02     Date Night!: It’s as much about what you DON’T do

03     The Morning After: How can it get even better?

04     Next Steps: Take your awesome date nights to a whole new level


These tips will help you create awesome date nights. I’ve also included two suggestions for how you can take things to a whole new level. I promise your date nights will NEVER be the same.

About the Author – Corinne Farago

As a trained relationship coach and sex coach, I teach couples hot to overcome the obstacles that are holding them back in their relationships.

I’ve been coaching couples in how to heal their relationships for over a decade.

When a couple works with me, they come to realize that emotionally and sexually fulfilling relationships don’t just happen by accident. They’re built with intention, self-awareness, and practice.

Having a coach and mentor by your side is invaluable as you learn new skills and apply them to your daily lives.

Corinne Farago
Corinne Farago

Nourish and feed your intimacy by creating focused time with your partner, your connection will deepen, your desire will be more easily accessed, and your capacity to handle life’s daily challenges together will be strengthened.